AI for Better Patent Applications

RoboReview™ deploys expert bots to automatically review patent applications and amended claims for novelty, patentability, antecedent basis, claim support, term consistency and more.

100% Secure & Web-Based

RoboReview is web-based. No plugins or special software needed. Your IP is not stored on our servers nor anywhere else.

Introducing RoboReview

RoboReview deploys several expert bots to automatically analyze draft applications for novelty, patentability, antecedent basis, claim support, term consistency and more.

RoboReview generates two reports:

  • Predictive Analytics to inform strategy and set expectations
    • Art Unit Prediction
    • 101 Rejection Assessment
    • 102/103 Rejection Assessment with optional prior art disclosure
    • 112 issue overview
  • Automatic Application Review provides in-document (MS Word) reviews for possible issues
    • Antecedent Basis
    • Claim Term Support
    • Figure Reference Consistency
    • Formalities

Easy to Use

If you have a near-final draft of a patent application, you typically send it out for review to paralegal(s), managing partner, etc. This typically takes several days and is subject to humans missing potential issues.

RoboReview does that same review almost instantly without the need to involve other people to do the tedious work of finding potential issues.

You just drag and drop the draft application for review onto RoboReview and RoboReview quickly analyzes it and generates the two reports: Predictive Analytics and Automatic Application Review. The review comments come back in Microsoft Word, just as if it was done by human reviewers. That means you can use Word’s built in review feature that you’re already used to. There are no additional software or plug-ins to download and manage. And it’s cross-platform.

Your Data is Protected

When developing RoboReview we wanted to create the most secure web-based patent review environment possible. That’s why we do not store anything processed through RoboReview, nor do we store any of the results.

Information is encrypted in transit, processed, and the data is delivered back to the browser where the results are displayed.

You can be confident that your information is 100% secure.